Carved Watermelon Basket

Watermelon Carving

Last week, I posted some pictures of a watermelon carving that I did for my daughter’s birthday.  As mentioned in my post, I hollowed out the inside of the watermelon and filled it with some melon balls made out of the leftover watermelon, as well as some honeydew and cantaloupe.  We then poured some vodka over top of the melon balls and served them with skewers to our guests who arrived at the birthday BBQ.  It was a hot and sunny day, and these little balls were a perfect and refreshing way to get the party started!  We found that vodka works best over the melons, but I’m sure you could use any other hard liquor – flavored vodkas or other liqueurs would be tasty as well!

Here is a picture of a carving I had done a few weeks previously; it’s the same concept (hollowed out and filled with melon balls), but this time I removed the outer green rind of the watermelon and carved my designs into the softer, but still firm, rind that was underneath.  Digging down deeper into the skin of the watermelon allowed some pink color to show through the areas where my roses were carved.  It turned out beautifully, and rested perfectly in a bowl.

If you’re interested in learning the art of fruit carving, I still have some availability for some upcoming summer carving classes in Vancouver.  Please feel free to contact me for additional information.

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